now 2 months ago this would be a normal statement, but I have not baked in over a month - after 9000 cookies I was pretty tired of everything about cookies: the smell, the heat, the work, the flour, the sugar etc. I left toronto SOOOOO happy to not have to look at another cookie for 4 months...
(fast forward a month) I miss baking cookies.... I miss the smell, the flour, the sugar, the icing, the results... I also REALLY miss my own kitchen. Every now and again it's nice to be fed, but I always feel catered to here and thats not a feeling I'm used to.
So tonight, I baked. not only is ther no peanut butter in Ukraine, they also do not have chocolate chips, and no chocolate chips means no chocolate chip cookies!!!!! they had no idea what to make of my goopy mess of dough, and then what came out of the oven... BUT I think they have fallen in love, so that MIGHT mean I am making a whole lot more cookies than I had originally planned on.... oops!
but for now there's a whole lot of fresh baked, chewy chocolate chip cookies for them to enjoy. Tastes like home...
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